Meet STC at SAFETY 2023!

Monday, June 5, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., Session 5035
Leading the Transition to ANSI/ASSP Z16.1-2022 to Measure OSH Performance in Your Organization

STC Senior Program Director, Pam Walaski, CSP, FASSP, will be presenting with Paul Esposito, CSP, CIH, of STAR Consultants, Inc. on how to transition your current measurement system to meet the Z16.1 standard’s requirements and use it to change your organization’s approach to measuring/improving OSH performance. Doing so will help you better demonstrate how OSH enables efficient business operations.

Pam will also be teaching a course on Risk Assessment and Management for Safety Professionals on June 3 and 4, before the conference.

Tuesday, June 6, 10 – 11 a.m. Session 6034
Improving OSH Performance Through Business Integration

STC President, Barbara Jo Ruble, QEP, CPEA, will present case examples that demonstrate how integration of an OSH management system into the overall business process in areas like talent acquisition, business continuity, supply chain and research and development can improve operational control, management of change and overall OSH performance.

Find out more and register for the conference at